State Parks in our Neck of the Woods

Terry Beatley • April 15, 2021

Belle Isle State Park

Belle Isle State Park has seven miles of shoreline on the Northern Neck's Rappahannock River and provides access to Mulberry and Deep Creeks. The park lets visitors explore a wide variety of tidal wetlands interspersed with farmland and upland forests stretching over 892 acres.  It has a campground, three picnic shelters, hiking, biking and bridle trails, and motor boat and car-top launches. Belle Isle also offers overnight lodging at Bel Air and the Bel Air Guest House. Bicycle, canoe and kayak rentals are available. Guests also enjoy the park's universal access playground, boardwalk and fishing pier,

and educational programs.

The diverse habitats found in the park provide homes to many predator birds, such as Great Blue Herons, osprey, hawks and American Bald Eagles. White-tailed deer, turkeys, groundhogs, rabbits, squirrels, moles, reptiles, and amphibians are also common.

There are eight distinct types of wetlands within the park. These diverse ecosystems make Belle Isle an excellent outdoor laboratory for environmental education and great fresh air fun!


Dawn - Dusk.

Driving Directions

Lancaster County on the Rappahannock River. From Warsaw, take State Route 3 East to SR 354. Turn right and follow for three miles. Turn right onto SR 683 at Somers to the park entrance. From Kilmarnock, take Route 3 West to Lively, then left on SR 201 for three miles, then right on SR 354 for three miles and left onto 683 to the park entrance.


1632 Belle Isle Rd., Lancaster, VA 22503; Latitude, 37.774414. Longitude: -76.599364.

Drive Time

Northern Virginia: two hours; Richmond: two hours; Tidewater/Norfolk/Virginia Beach: two hours; Roanoke: five hours

Park Size

892 acres

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